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Spark OCR Blog

State-of-the-Art Visual Document Understanding and Form Understanding.

Automatic Data Insight extraction from documents is a challenging task, and John Snow Labs Spark-OCR is using several different NLP, Computer Vision, and Spark techniques to enhance the user experience,...

Our Finance department receives thousands of invoices every month which needs to be categorized manually prior to submission to the bank. This is a manual process that is extremely labor-intensive...

John Snow Labs is well known for helping healthcare and life science companies build, deploy, and operate AI products and services with its Spark NLP, one of the most widely...

This release comes with new models for Handwritten Text Recognition, Spark 3.2 support, bug fixes, and notebook examples. Added to the ImageTextDetectorV2 New parameter 'mergeIntersects': merge bounding boxes corresponding to...

This video shows how available Visual NER models can be used for predictions, how data can be corrected and how visual models can be finetuned with Annotation Lab.