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    John Snow Labs Data Catalog is recognized by the CLOUD AWARDS

    Determinedly Growing the John Snow Labs Data Catalog Earns Recognition from 2017-2018 CLOUD AWARDS PROGRAM


    2017 has been an impressive year for the entire John Snow Labs team as our efforts to determinedly grow our healthcare datasets catalog earns recognition this year and land a spot in the ongoing 2017-2018 Cloud Awards Program where “awards programs aim to celebrate excellence and innovation in the scope of cloud-based “solutions as a service” (The Cloud Awards and SaaS Awards), all to be true to our commitment “to do whatever it takes to make you successful” (John Snow Labs Team).

    John Snow Labs’ January 2018 Catalog: 58 New Datasets from ICD-9 ICD-10 2018 CM and PCS Codes Mapping, CMS Cost and Utilization Data, US Executive Budget, Hospital Compare Dataset, US Mortality and Morbidity Estimates, Disease Prevalence Rates, ATC and DDD Classification System Data and more

    This 2018, John Snow Labs is beginning the year with 1775 normalized datasets on our John Snow Labs Catalog to help you with your healthcare data needs, 58 of them are freshly curated and machine and manually validated, which were released last 1 January 2018.

    Majority of this release came from Population Health catalog with 19 datasets, 7 of which are Disease Prevalence Rates of diabetes, obesity, alcohol use, hearing loss, and smoking and global smoking statistics. 6 are Mortality and Morbidity Estimates by Country from different variables such as maternal and child mortality data, global malaria mortality, and global breast and cervical cancer mortality data. The last 6 datasets are selected from US Life Expectancy Data from 1985 to 2010, NSDUH Tobacco Product Use and Perceptions of Great Risk from Smoking, NSDUH Mental Illness data, and DTP3 Immunization Coverage from 1986 to 2006.

    Cost catalog grew by 7 datasets which are from Hospital Medicare Cost Reports for 2017, US Executive Budget data on budget ordinance appropriations for 2018, New York building and energy use, city budget incremental changes, information on investment company series class.

    Clinical Measures added 6 datasets on Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Performance Rates for Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) and for Individual Eligible Professionals (EP) Measures 2015; as well as Quality Performance Measures from unified codes, units used in medicine, public and multifamily housing physical inspection scores.

    5 more datasets are added to the Medical Billing catalog on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare Part B and Part D Drug Cost and Utilization Data, New and Revised ICD-10-PCS Codes for the fiscal year 2018 updates, and ICD-10 Procedure Coding System (PCS) and Clinical Modification (CM) Procedure Codes 2018.

    Hospital database expanded 5 more datasets on Hospital Compare Data namely from Maryland Hospital Acquired Conditions (MHAC) on readmissions and death reduction incentive program and potentially avoidable utilization savings, hospital-acquired conditions by national level by hospital performance and hospital improvements for the fiscal year 2016, and a dataset on Maryland Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient survey baseline results for the fiscal year 2014.

    Physicians catalog has 4 additional datasets on Medicare Physicians Utilization and Payment Data for Medicare National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Other Supplier Payments by State, National or Aggregate Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) data for report years 2012 and 2013.

    Open Knowledge widened with 4 more datasets on economy and transportation data. Included here are the following datasets: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Insured Institutions, Towed Vehicles in Chicago for the last 90 days, New Driver TLC License Application Status, and Legally Operating Businesses.

    Census catalog added 2 new datasets on USA Crime Data particularly on Chicago Crimes for 2017 along with New York Emergency Response Incidents.

    6 datasets are also now appended to the Life Sciences catalog on Drug Pricing for Substance Abuse Spending Estimates by Mental Health Services Administration, and Drug Safety for alterations and code alterations from year 2005 to the updated ones to be used for 2018 to 2019 for Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) as the classification system and the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) as the unit of measure as well as well as other ATC codes alterations not included in the ATC or DDD datasets.

    “We at John Snow Labs commit to you, our clients to do whatever it takes to make you successful this 2018!” John Snow Labs Team

    Building on recognition from the Cloud Awards, John Snow Labs continues to drive data innovation. Learn how Generative AI in Healthcare and Healthcare Chatbot advancements contribute to transforming healthcare data solutions

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