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Large Language Models Blog

The MultiCaRe Dataset is a multimodal case report dataset that contains data from 75,382 open-access PubMed Central articles spanning the period from 1990 to 2023.It includes 96,428 clinical cases from different medical specialties, along with 135,596 images and their corresponding labels and captions. The structure of the dataset allows for the seamless integration of different types of data, making it a valuable resource for training or fine-tuning medical language, computer vision, or multi-modal models. Apart from describing the contents of the dataset, during this presentation we will go through the process of its creation, which involved tasks such as data extraction and preprocessing using different resources (Biopython, Spark NLP for Healthcare, and OpenCV, among others).Finally, we will learn how to create a customized subset based on a specific use case. To achieve this, we will leverage the MedicalDatasetCreator class, which provides the capability to filter clinical cases by patient demographics, article metadata, strings, and image labels.


The MultiCaRe Dataset is a multimodal case report dataset that contains data from 75,382 open-access PubMed Central articles spanning the period from 1990 to 2023. It includes 96,428 clinical cases...

Dandelion Health is a provider of multimodal, longitudinal clinical data for healthcare innovators. This session shows how it built a de-identification process for free-text clinical notes, with John Snow Labs’...

The emergence of precision oncology necessitates a comprehensive understanding of how genetic, epigenetic, and other factors influence tumor behavior and response to treatment regimens. This understanding is crucial for translating...

Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding plays a pivotal role in federally regulated risk adjustment payment models, ensuring accurate reimbursement for health insurance plans and better care for managed populations. Providers...

There is overwhelming evidence from academic research and industry benchmarks that domain-specific and task-specific large language models outperform general-purpose LLMs across multiple dimensions: Accuracy, veracity, human preference, and cost. This...