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    Rich U.S. Vaccine Data Regularly Updated at the John Snow Labs Library

    John Snow Labs is providing improved access to the United States Vaccine Database published by the U.S. National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Vaccine codes can be confounding even for healthcare professionals. In 1999, CDC published an Implementation Guide for Immunization Data Transactions. A set of two main code types were defined, CVX and MVX. Later, other codes were added such as NDC, CPT, and VIS.

    The John Snow LABS fully updated U.S. vaccine database with its 13 included datasets will guarantee instant access to vaccines currently approved by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and will assist users with the understanding of vaccine codes.

    Vaccines are indispensable to people’s lives and the sustainability of healthcare systems

    Millions of child, adult, and elderly lives are saved each year by vaccines. Reducing the burden of disease through immunization contributes not only to an increase in life expectancy but also provides financial benefits at the individual and country level.

    The use of vaccines to prevent diseases in children, adults, and the elderly results in fewer medical visits, diagnostic tests, treatments, and hospitalisations, which leads to substantial savings in healthcare costs each year.(Largeron N, et. al., 2015)

    However, immunization has been linked to adverse effects that have been the subject of great debate. To ensure traceability of these adverse events, all vaccine products are codified by standardized alphanumeric codes.

    A variety of vaccine codes are listed in the U.S. Vaccine Database

    The John Snow Labs U.S. Vaccine Database is one of the most complete collections of datasets in the data market with regard to the vaccines codes. It includes over 16 codes recognized by NCIRD and FDA.

    The two most important codes are CVX and MVX. The CVX code has a numeric format and is used to identify the type of vaccine product used. The MVX code is alphabetic and identifies the manufacturer of a vaccine. Together, these two codes refer to the trade name of a vaccine product.

    In addition to this set of codes, other codes available in the John Snow Labs database include:

    • CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) Developed and maintained by the American Medical Association (AMA) through the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). Used by insurers to help determine the amount of reimbursement a practitioner will receive for services provided. The CPT code IDs are also available in the database;
    • NDC (National Drug Code) codes. Can be considered the most important type of FDA drug codes and serve as universal identifiers for drug products (including vaccines). NDC related codes found in the database are Use Unit Labeler, Use Unit Package, and Use Unit Product;
    • GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) codes and some linked codes such as Sale GTIN and Use GTIN; and
    • VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) related codes to help identify vaccine products for public users.

    Mapping vaccines codes

    In addition to access to different vaccine product codes, code datasets can be mapped to identify vaccine codes from other codes. Most mapping starts using CVX as the primary code for vaccine products.

    Current vaccine status information

    The John Snow Labs U.S. Vaccine Database is not limited to codes. It allows users to access the status of each vaccine product. For example:

    • Active, inactive, never active, pending, or non-U.S.
    • Consideration for classification as a vaccine
    • Current manufacturer
    • VIS edition

    Additional descriptions and information available

    In addition to U.S. vaccines codes and status, other information provided in the John Snow LABS database includes:

    • vaccine full name
    • vaccine description
    • CPT description
    • labeler related information
    • packaging form
    • vaccine group names
    • VIS document type
    • VIS webpage URL
    • last record update

    Each one of the 13 datasets included in the database has its own description. All headers are accompanied by additional information on the dataset.

    This information transforms the original datasets from aggregations of codes and numbers to real reference tools for any interested user.

    Update guaranteed by John Snow Labs

    For its U.S. Vaccine Database, John Snow Labs guarantees its clients and partners a monthly update of all included datasets. This allows access to all new vaccines, their related codes, and current status as defined by relevant authorities including FDA and NCIRD.

    Explore how regularly updated vaccine data supports healthcare advancements, including Generative AI in Healthcare and Healthcare Chatbot solutions that enhance patient engagement and data-driven decision-making.


    Largeron, N., Lévy, P., Wasem, J., & Bresse, X. (2015). Role of vaccination in the sustainability of healthcare systems. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy, [online] Volume 3(1). Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2018].

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