Task Name Explanation
1.CoLA Classify if a sentence is grammatically correct
2.RTE Classify whether a statement can be deducted from a sentence
3.MNLI Classify for a hypothesis and premise whether they contradict or imply each other or neither of both (3 class).
4.MRPC Classify whether a pair of sentences is a rephrasing of each other (semantically equivalent)
5.QNLI Classify whether the answer to a question can be deducted from an answer candidate.
6.QQP Classify whether a pair of questions is a rephrasing of each other (semantically equivalent)
7.SST2 Classify the sentiment of a sentence as positive or negative
8.STSB Classify the sentiment of a sentence on a scale from 1 to 5 (21 Sentiment classes)
9.CB Classify for a premise and a hypothesis whether they contradict each other or not (binary).
10.COPA Classify for a question, premise, and 2 choices which choice the correct choice is (binary).
11.MultiRc Classify for a question, a paragraph of text, and an answer candidate, if the answer is correct (binary),
12.WiC Classify for a pair of sentences and a disambiguous word if the word has the same meaning in both sentences.
13.WSC/DPR Predict for an ambiguous pronoun in a sentence what it is referring to.
14.Summarization Summarize text into a shorter representation.
15.SQuAD Answer a question for a given context.
16.WMT1. Translate English to German
17.WMT2. Translate English to French
18.WMT3. Translate English to Romanian