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Healthcare NLP Blog

State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing for Clinical and Biomedical Text.

Spark NLP for Healthcare There is a growing need for automated text mining of Electronic health records (EHRs) in order to find clinical indications that new research points to. EHRs...

Welcome to another NLP Insider Live Show.  Today, I am very exited to welcome Natalia Vassilieva, Director of Product at Celebras Systems. Celebras Systems is a computer system company dedicated...

TFGraphBuilder annotator to create graphs for training NER, Assertion, Relation Extraction, and Generic Classifier models Default TF graphs added for AssertionDLApproach to let users train models without custom graphs New...

Spark NLP for Healthcare comes with 600+ pretrained clinical pipelines & models out of the box and is consistently making 4–6x less error than Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud on...

With the increased investments and interest from a broader range of users, it’s encouraging to see how a highly regulated industry like healthcare is ushering in AI.