Healthcare providers and well-established players in the healthcare space possess vast amounts of unstructured patient-level data. This data has tremendous value, yet it stays primarily untapped due to the sensitivity...
Healthcare Organizations Can Now Leverage Larger and More Diverse Datasets to Improve Operations and Care John Snow Labs, the Healthcare AI and NLP company and developer of the Spark NLP...
Introduction If you were a doctor consulting with another doctor, you might naturally say, “I had a case like that three years ago, and here’s what I did.” You wouldn’t...
De-identified Health Information to Improve Patient Care Modern-day wise folks say that “data is the new oil”. Data supports cutting-edge research, drives innovation, and helps with the development of solutions...
Providence St. Joseph Health’s (PSJH) unstructured data de-identification methodology relies on pre-trained BiLSTM-CNN-Char NER models provided by John Snow Labs. The PSJH Data science department evaluated John Snow Labs models...