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EHRs collect mass amounts of critical patient information but across the healthcare industry, most lack the ability to take meaningful action with this data and put it to its best...

Accelerating progress in personalized healthcare requires learning the causal relationships between diseases, genes, treatments, medications, labs, and other clinical information – at scale over a large population and time range....

In this post I will discuss four topics: 1) my journey to start with SparkNLP, 2) what went well, 3) what did not go well and, 4) getting certified.

Recognize over 18 entities such as Countries, People, Organizations, Products, Events, etc. using an out of the box pre-trained NerDLApproach trained on the OntoNotes corpus.

Recognize Persons, Locations, Organizations, and Misc entities using out of the box pre-trained Deep Learning models based on GloVe (glove_100d) and BERT (ner_dl_bert) word embeddings.