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Welcome to our latest #NLPInsider LIVE show! Today, I’m excited to chat with Stella Biderman, Lead Scientist and Mathematician at Booz Allen Hamilton. She has done extensive research on large...

Welcome to another NLP Insider Live Show.  Today, I am very exited to welcome Natalia Vassilieva, Director of Product at Celebras Systems. Celebras Systems is a computer system company dedicated...

Finding patterns and matching strategies are well-known NLP procedures to extract information from text. Spark NLP library has two annotators that can use these techniques to extract relevant information or...

Learn how to unleash the power of 350+ pre-trained NLP models, 100+ Word Embeddings, 50+ Sentence Embeddings, and 50+ Classifiers in 46 languages with 1 line of Python code. John...

Welcome to our latest #NLPInsider LIVE show! Today, we're excited to chat with Yanshan Wang, Vice Chair of Research and Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh. We’ll talk about NLP...