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Blog - Case Studies

Recruiting patients for clinical trials is a major challenge in drug development. Finding patients requires an in-depth understanding of their medical histories and current health statuses while the majority of patient...

In recent years traditional factors of financial markets, for instance, growth vs. value, market capitalization, credit rating, stock price volatility, have become less predictive, requiring investors to explore new data sources...

There is an immense amount of unstructured data generated every day that can affect companies and their position in the market. As this information continuously grows, it’s a critical task...

The Khuluma project was carried out to enhance positive mental health amongst HIV-positive adolescents in South Africa, with the aim of reducing and ultimately preventing the spread of HIV & AIDS....

Spark NLP for Healthcare was used to provide accurate, scalable, and healthcare-specific pipelines for OCR, sentence segmentation, spell checking, biomedical named entity recognition, assertion status (negation) detection, and entity resolution (to...