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Blog - Articles

In our previous article we discussed the problem of underrepresented languages in NLP, and how John Snow Labs collaborated with the community to facilitate the use of the open-source Spark...

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has taken the healthcare industry by storm, and for good reason. The technology can provide significant value in building patient cohorts and identifying clinical risks by...

A new generation of the NLP Lab is now available: the Generative AI Lab. Check details here https://www.johnsnowlabs.com/nlp-lab/ The Annotation supports labeling entities and relationships directly on multi-page PDF documents,...

Mettere in produzione i modelli di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (NLP) è molto simile all’acquisto di un’auto. In entrambi i casi, si impostano i parametri per il risultato desiderato, si testano diversi...

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind to make sure your AI investments actually see the light of day.