We are happy to announce the Legal NLP 1.8.0 is out! Legal NLP is a John Snow Lab’s product, launched 2022 to provide state-of-the-art, autoscalable, domain-specific NLP on top of Spark. With...
Registration is Now Open for the Free, Virtual Conference, Covering Best Practices and Advances in Natural Language Processing for Healthcare John Snow Labs, the healthcare AI and NLP company and...
The latest version of NLP Lab brings several enhancements that are worth highlighting. One of the most notable improvements is in relation prompts. NLP Lab (free annotation tool) now offers...
We define Contract Understanding as the process of automatically checking an agreement and understanding the information contained in it. What has been mainly a manual process, can now be automatised (partially, with...
Legal NLP and Finance NLP are built on the top of a new John Snow Labs library, called johnsnowlabs . If you are a former user of Spark NLP or Spark...