Accessibility to Free, State-of-the-Art Software Helps Democratize NLP for the Global AI Industry Annotation Lab is now the NLP Lab - the Free AI No-Code platform by John Snow Labs...
Our team worked hard to release Annotation Lab v.2.1.0 right before our NLP Summit. The main improvements added by this version are: A new project configuration: "Visual NER Labeling" which...
ePlus’ AI Bundle combines hardware, software and implementation services in partnership with leaders SFL Scientific and John Snow Labs to improve AI development in healthcare organizations from concept to production...
The Free Virtual Conference Program Highlights Leading Experts in the Global AI Community to Share Knowledge, Best Practices, and Advances in Natural Language Processing. John Snow Labs, the Healthcare AI...
Entity Resolution is the process of predicting UMLS codes for medical concepts. While processing medical text, this process relies heavily on the concepts identified by NER models. NER models at...