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Content by Veysel Kocaman

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Veysel is a Head of Data Science at John Snow Labs, improving the Spark NLP for the Healthcare library and delivering hands-on projects in Healthcare and Life Science. Holding a PhD degree in ML, Dr. Kocaman has authored more than 25 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences in the last few years, focusing on solving real world problems in healthcare with NLP. He is a seasoned data scientist with a strong background in every aspect of data science including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data with over ten years of experience. Veysel has broad consulting experience in Statistics, Data Science, Software Architecture, DevOps, Machine Learning, and AI to several start-ups, boot camps, and companies around the globe. He also speaks at Data Science & AI events, conferences and workshops, and has delivered more than a hundred talks at international as well as national conferences and meetups.


Watch all NLP Summit 2020 sessions: https://www.nlpsummit.org/ Deep neural network models have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance gains in a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, these gains rely...

EHRs collect mass amounts of critical patient information but across the healthcare industry, most lack the ability to take meaningful action with this data and put it to its best...

The speaker will review case studies from real-world projects that built AI systems using Natural...

John Snow Labs'dan ML GDE Veysel Kocaman ve AI Labs'dan ML GDE M. Yusuf Sarıgöz, doğal dil işleme alanındaki gelişmeleri ve NLP'nin sağlık alanındaki uygulamalarını konuşuyor. TensorFlow Turkey, gücünü daha...