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Content by Richard Tanler

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A serial software entrepreneur, Tanler authored a book (The Intranet Data Warehouse) as a way to establish his Company - Information Advantage, Inc. as a leader in what is now commonly referred to as "Business Intelligence" and “Data Warehousing". Tanler navigated his company from startup through an Initial Public Offering. He was recognized by Ernst & Young and named entrepreneur of the Year for the Midwest Region. “I love data, I mean I love those tiny little ‘bits’ of electricity, the sparks we turn into information. “ “Today, we are in the midst of a Digital Industrial Revolution. Some say Data in the ‘new oil’ powering digital industries. It’s not! The ‘new oil’ is electricity! Data is more like oxygen! It’s vital to human survival. From data we produce a torrential downpour of information. We translate information into the knowledge we share. This is a process of learning and when we commit what we learn to memory, we add to our intelligence. This how we have advanced human intelligence. Machines can be taught to learn, that’s step #1 Preserving what is learned as knowledge and committing it to memory is Step #2. In other words, Machine Learning is creating databases, Knowledge Graphs. It all starts with a supply of “oxygen”. That is how important data is today and has been throughout history. NLP Natural Language Processing is a branch of Machine Learning, used to extract the knowledge embedded in communications. The computerized knowledege Memory System for storing knowledge is a brain-like Knowledge Graph. Machine Learning produces Machine Intelligence for autonomous decision-making (AI) and to advance human Intelligence.


Scientists discover and become famous. Engineers invent and are recognized for their inventions. Entrepreneurs innovate, creating businesses that simply follow in the path of discoveries and inventions. Electricity is the...

Clinicians are under time pressure due to increasing demand for medical care, information overload, and administrative regulations.  A study conducted by Mayo Clinic found “45 percent of respondents experienced at...