Muhammet Santas has a Master’s Degree St. in Artificial Intelligence and works as a Data Scientist at John Snow Labs as part of the Healthcare NLP Team.
PHI De-Identification with State-of-the-Art NLP De-identification for natural language processing in healthcare is a critical procedure for safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI) within clinical notes, wherein the data is anonymized...
De-Identification is a process that needs to be applied to de-identify (anonymize) or obfuscate (replace with fake entities) PHI (protected health information) data from clinical notes. Obfuscation of PHI entities...
RxNorm provides normalized names for clinical drugs and links its names to many of the drug vocabularies commonly used in pharmacy management and drug interaction software. Entity Resolver pipeline in...
Relation Extraction, which is one of the most important tasks of NLP applications in healthcare, is an expensive process to find competent people who can label the data and label...
TFGraphBuilder annotator to create graphs for training NER, Assertion, Relation Extraction, and Generic Classifier models Default TF graphs added for AssertionDLApproach to let users train models without custom graphs New...