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Content by Juan Martinez

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Juan Martinez is a Sr. Data Scientist, working at John Snow Labs since 2021. He graduated from Computer Engineering in 2006, and from that time on, his main focus of activity has been the application of Artificial Intelligence to texts and unstructured data. To better understand the intersection between Language and AI, he complemented his technical background with a Linguistics degree from Moscow Pushkin State Language Institute in 2012 and later on on University of Alcala (2014). He is part of the Healthcare Data Science team at John Snow Labs. His main activities are training and evaluation of Deep Learning, Semantic and Symbolic models within the Healthcare domain, benchmarking, research and team coordination tasks. His other areas of interest are Machine Learning operations and Infrastructure.


We are happy to announce the first release of 2023 - Legal NLP 1.5.0! Legal NLP is a John Snow Lab’s product, launched 2022 to provide state-of-the-art, autoscalable, domain-specific NLP on top...

We are happy to announce the first release of 2023 – Finance NLP 1.5.0 Finance NLP is a John Snow Lab’s product, launched 2022 to provide state-of-the-art, autoscalable, domain-specific NLP on top...
Low-latency, real time Legal AI with Spark NLP on gRPC

We are experiencing the golden age of NLP, triggered by different key factors: More and more documents being digitalized or directly processed in digital format. This was a big issue...
Finance zero-shot learning

Zero-shot Learning (ZSL) is one of the most recent advancements in Machine Learning aimed to train Deep Neural Network models to have higher generalisability on unseen data. One of the...

Graph Generation with John Snow Labs Finance NLP In Oct, 2022 John Snow Labs released Financial NLP, a new addition to the Spark NLP ecosystem to natively carry out NLP...