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Content by Ida Lucente

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs. Experienced Branding, Marketing Strategy and Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. For media inquiries: Ida Lucente John Snow Labs ida@johnsnowlabs.com



Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals is the United Nation’s global program. This universal call is for the eradication of the poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring peace &...
Data Philanthropy

Contemporary enterprises across the world practice data analytics essentially for their benefits. Analytically processing the unprocessed available data, inducing the factual and conclusive results, pave the way for writing new...

Data philanthropy helps in actualizing most of the goals sought by traditional corporate social philanthropy. It enables companies to give back, thereby creating a meaningful impact. It also portrays the...

A newly published data analytics case study by John Snow Labs details the impact of their latest data philanthropy project: Helping the SHM Foundation to analyze and optimize the use...

It's because of you and many other inspiring individuals that we were able to hit a stunning and impressive number on our John Snow Labs Twitter account. 10,000 in less...