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Content by Ida Lucente

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs. Experienced Branding, Marketing Strategy and Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. For media inquiries: Ida Lucente John Snow Labs


Achieving accuracy in NLP is an art and a science. Learn how MetiStream and John Snow Labs worked in collaboration to build and implement models, best practices, and processes to...

In this talk, we will cover how to extract entities from text using both rule-based and deep learning techniques, and build a knowledge graph of these entities. We will cover...

Advances and breakthroughs in medicine and public health are built on research and prior learnings. Understandings are contained in a wide range of content, such as the following: Patient records Imaging,...

Health systems and payers are dealing with vast amounts of clinical documents that often are delivered as scanned images. Most organizations struggle to build a scalable pipeline despite operationally needing...

The first challenge of “ad hoc data analysis” is semantic, not technological. Data analytics users could be a patient, practitioner, administrator, or data scientist —the results don’t change based on...