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Content by Ida Lucente

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs. Experienced Branding, Marketing Strategy and Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. For media inquiries: Ida Lucente John Snow Labs ida@johnsnowlabs.com


Life insurance underwriting considers an applicant’s medical risk factors to supplement mortality risk characteristics. These risk factors are usually provided inside free-text documents. New insurance-specific Natural Language Processing (NLP) models...

Within domain-specific data science, people often struggled with starting projects without decent training data. Especially for token-classification this is a time-consuming issue. Nowadays, there are many shortcuts that one can...

In this presentation, Elia Lima-Walton, MD will showcase how Elsevier is transforming the clinical decision support and analytics landscape through NLP in order to improve search, content access, identifying key...

Large language models have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and are increasingly being applied in various industries, including healthcare. These models have the potential to greatly improve...

According to CDC, more than a million emergency department visits yearly are caused by adverse drug events. This is a massive issue Reckitt pays a lot of attention to, putting...