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Content by Ida Lucente

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Marketing Communications Lead at John Snow Labs. Experienced Branding, Marketing Strategy and Communications with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. For media inquiries: Ida Lucente John Snow Labs ida@johnsnowlabs.com


Applications of Generative AI in healthcare

Generative AI in healthcare is a transformative technology that utilizes advanced algorithms to synthesize and analyze medical data, facilitating personalized and efficient patient care. Generative AI has shown its effectiveness...

Credit risk Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) models are advanced methodologies used by banks to calculate the...

This presentation at the NLP Summit 2024 explores the transformative role of Large Language Models (LLMs) in both pedagogy and strategic educational planning. It examines how LLMs like GPT-4 can...

We investigate how language models leverage context, accounting for various level of language analysis from lexical, semantics and pragmatics viewpoints, and conclude with a discussion on the how context plays...