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Content by Gokhan Turer

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Data Scientist at John Snow Labs.


In this notebook, RoBertaForQuestionAnswering was used for versatile Named Entity Recognition (NER) without extensive domain-specific training. This blog post walks through the ZeroShotNerModel implementation and explores its ability to adapt...

Leveraging TextMatcherInternal for Precise Phrase Matching in Healthcare Texts The TextMatcherInternal annotator in Healthcare NLP is a powerful tool for exact phrase matching in healthcare text analysis. We’ll cover its...

ChunkConverter unifies regex and NER entity extractions in Spark NLP pipelines by converting regex chunks to a standard chunk format with entity labels, enabling integrated downstream processing. What is ChunkConverter?...

EntityRulerInternal in Spark NLP extracts medical entities from text using regex patterns or exact matches defined in JSON or CSV files. With practical examples, this post explains how to set...

The RegexMatcherInternal class leverages the power of regular expressions to identify and associate specific patterns within text data with predefined entities, such as dates, SSNs, and email addresses. This method...