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Content by Dominika Garczynska


It is increasingly common for software developers to require Machine Learning technology in their applications. While Python is the de facto standard environment for Machine Learning, this might not be...

Welcome to the second part of the Spark NLP article. In the first part, the objective was to present an ice breaker for NLP practitioners and warm-up minds towards Spark...

Finding trending Meetup topics using Streaming Data, Named Entity Recognition and Zeppelin Notebooks — a tale of a super enthusiastic working group during the pandemic times

In this post I will discuss four topics: 1) my journey to start with SparkNLP, 2) what went well, 3) what did not go well and, 4) getting certified.

Finding trending Meetup topics using Streaming Data, Named Entity Recognition and Zeppelin Notebooks – a tale of a super enthusiastic working group during the pandemic times.