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Content by David Talby

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David Talby is a chief technology officer at John Snow Labs, helping healthcare & life science companies put AI to good use. David is the creator of Spark NLP – the world’s most widely used natural language processing library in the enterprise. He has extensive experience building and running web-scale software platforms and teams – in startups, for Microsoft’s Bing in the US and Europe, and to scale Amazon’s financial systems in Seattle and the UK. David holds a PhD in computer science and master’s degrees in both computer science and business administration.


Apache Parquet

Here at John Snow Labs, we are delighted to announce that all datasets are now also available in the new highly optimized Apache Parquet format, which delivers an order of magnitude...
data ops for data science

Your DataOps team is the one making sure your data scientists do not spend 50-80% of their time preparing data for analysis. Here is what this involves. The Librarian First...

Data Science & 21st Century Healthcare At John Snow Labs, we believe that data science will be a major driver of progress for 21st century medicine. This view of the...