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Content by Christian Kasim Loan

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Christian Kasim Loan is a computer scientist with over 10 years of coding experience who works for John Snow Labs as a Senior Data Scientist where he helps porting the latest and greatest Machine Learning Models to Spark and created the NLU library.


NLU 3 is the most visually appealing release to date, with the integration of the Spark-NLP-Display library and visualizations for dependency trees, entity resolution, entity assertion, the relationship between entities,...

We are very excited to announce NLU 1.1.4 has been released and comes with a lot of tutorials showcasing how you can train a multilingual text classifier on just one...

We are very happy to announce NLU 1.1.2 has been released with the integration of 30+ models and pipelines Bengali Named Entity Recognition, Hindi Word Embeddings, and state-of-the-art transformer based...