Big Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing April 6, 2020 John Snow Labs Delivers a New Data Library Release with COVID-19 Medical Terminology Updates As it does when a global emergency persists and warrants action, SNOMED International has taken… Nosheen Shafique Love0
AnnouncementNatural Language Processing March 30, 2020 John Snow Labs’ Webinars and Live Events at ODSC EAST 2020 John Snow Labs is working with a company that is building a COVID-19 patient risk… Ida Lucente Love0
Data PhilanthropyBig Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing March 25, 2020 Get Free Spark NLP for Healthcare Licenses to Fight COVID-19 John Snow Labs is making all its licensed software – Spark NLP for Healthcare, the… Ida Lucente Love0
AnnouncementNatural Language Processing February 14, 2020 John Snow Labs Sets New Accuracy Records With Its Biggest Spark NLP Release Ever The AI industry’s most widely used NLP library for Python and Java delivers a major… Maziyar Panahi Love1
Press ReleaseAnnouncement January 8, 2020 John Snow Labs is Named Finalist in 2 categories, 3rd Year in a Row, for the 2019-20 Cloud Awards International Cloud Computing Awards Program Announces Shortlist out of hundreds of organizations that applied from… Ida Lucente Love1
Announcement December 3, 2019 John Snow Labs wins the 2019 International Data Science Technology Award The Data Science Foundation recognizes Spark NLP for delivering “best practice, innovation, and excellence in… Ida Lucente Love2
AnnouncementNatural Language Processing September 27, 2019 John Snow Labs is Named NLP Company of the Month & Announces Major New Release of Spark NLP Technology Headlines highlights John Snow Labs as the emerging industry leader for state-of-the-art natural language… Ida Lucente Love0
Announcement September 20, 2019 John Snow Labs to present at Strata Data NYC on using NLP to improve clinical trial recruiting Award-winning AI and NLP company John Snow Labs is invited for the 3rd year in a… Ida Lucente Love0
Announcement September 11, 2019 John Snow Labs is invited to speak at O’Reilly AI on using NLP to interpret patient journeys from millions of free-text medical records Award-winning AI and NLP company John Snow Labs is invited for the 3rd year in a… Ida Lucente Love1