Big Data HealthcareData Science HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing August 14, 2020 Out of the box Spark NLP models in action One of the questions that Spark NLP users often ask me is what type of… Dia Trambitas, Ph.D. Love0
Big Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing August 5, 2020 The NLP Summit 2020 Program is announced Do you build software that analyzes natural language text? Join the free online conference for the… Ida Lucente Love0
Big Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing July 14, 2020 John Snow Labs is Healthcare Tech Outlook’s 2020 Healthcare Analytics Provider of the Year John Snow Labs has been recognized by Healthcare Tech Outlook as the Healthcare Analytics Provider… Ida Lucente Love1
AIData Science HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing July 7, 2020 The New Healthcare AI Platform: Air-Gap Security & Compliances Meets Enterprise-Grade Operations, Elasticity & Scale We're hugely thrilled to announce the immediate availability of the new major version of the Healthcare… Ida Lucente Love0
Big Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing June 9, 2020 John Snow Labs Announces NLP Summit in Response to Growing Demand for Applied Natural Language Processing John Snow Labs, developer of the Spark Free NLP library, will host its first virtual NLP… Ida Lucente Love0
AnnouncementNatural Language Processing May 26, 2020 John Snow Labs’ Data Annotator & Active Learning for Human-in-the-loop AI is now included with all subscriptions Annotation Lab is now the Generative AI Lab - the Free No-Code NLP Model Tuning… Ida Lucente Love1
Big Data HealthcareAnnouncementNatural Language Processing May 20, 2020 and John Snow Labs partner for free COVID-19 datasets to researchers & data scientists, the cloud-native data catalog, and healthcare AI & NLP provider John Snow Labs are… Ida Lucente Love0
AnnouncementNatural Language Processing May 12, 2020 Spark NLP 2.5 delivers state-of-the-art accuracy for spell checking and sentiment analysis John Snow Labs is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of the new major version… Maziyar Panahi Love1
AIAnnouncementNatural Language Processing April 27, 2020 John Snow Labs wins the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award John Snow Labs is named winner in 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award thanks to “exceptional… Ida Lucente Love1