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AI in Healthcare Blog

Ideas, Risks, and Breakthroughs in Improving Healthcare with AI.

The healthcare industry is varied and complex and so, too, is the information collected. When using data to make any decision in this field, technology that helps will keep improving....

Welcome to our latest #NLPInsider LIVE show! Today, we’re excited to chat with Curtis Northcutt, Founder and CEO of Cleanlab - a solution aiming to automate data-centric MLOps: from data...

On its website, the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Network has published a list of “essential documents for the conduct of a clinical trial”. These documents are crucial because they allow...

De-identified Health Information to Improve Patient Care Modern-day wise folks say that “data is the new oil”. Data supports cutting-edge research, drives innovation, and helps with the development of solutions...

Scientists discover and become famous. Engineers invent and are recognized for their inventions. Entrepreneurs innovate, creating businesses that simply follow in the path of discoveries and inventions. Electricity is the...